Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

«On forest paths»

It is important from an early age to teach children to love nature, nurture respect for animals and plants. That is why in our library was held environmental lesson "on forest paths", dedicated to The " day of the forest worker." During the event, the guys through the presentation expanded their knowledge about the forest and forest workers, went to travel through the forest, guessed birds singing, listening to the voices of animals, guessed riddles, read a poem by S. V. Mikhalkov "Walk", an excerpt from the story of M. M. Zoshchenko "Great travelers". The librarian told the children about the rules of behavior in the forest, about the peculiarities of life and behavior of forest inhabitants. Many children and themselves shared from their experience. And interesting for students was the game "Cryptogram", "Guess" , etc.
Also, the event was decorated with an information table, because well-chosen books can have a positive impact on children. Through reading books, children can learn to see the surrounding beauty and Express their attitude to it.