Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Craft or art"

Today, children were met in the library by a craftswoman in a Russian sundress, which already created a historical atmosphere. She presented to students an oral magazine consisting of 3 headings: "Look and listen", "Read and remember", "my illustrations".
The first section of the oral journal, thanks to the electronic presentation, demonstrated in detail the popular folk crafts of Russia.
Reveal the topic in more detail helped the second section, where the attention of students focused on the accompanying book exhibition "crafts in Russia". The children examined the subtleties and nuances of different paintings, got acquainted with books about blacksmithing, wood carving, embossing, etc.
Leading-mistress invited children to create color illustrations oral magazine. The third-graders liked the drawings so much that they took them with them.