Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"The librarian is…»

Children see that the librarian is engaged only in issuing books to readers. This myth was dispelled by the excursion organized for the year of working professions. The students saw a new computer program - arm: delivery of books and cataloging, book trailer on the book by A. Likhanova "My General". We paid much attention to book exhibitions of the subscription and reading room: the choice of theme, selection of literature, design. We reviewed the exhibition-installation " Read. Think. To understand", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the writer A. Likhanov.
The children were impressed by the volume of documentation, a variety of forms of events. We realized that the librarian is a screenwriter, a photographer, a programmer, a writer, a porter, and a designer, and he is very erudite.