Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

life without fear

The world speaks different languages, And children cry on one-the only. Perhaps, in fact, sincere, Understandable on all continents. On September 3, commemorations dedicated to the anniversary of the tragic events in Beslan were held across the country. Today in a kindergarten №39 for methodological advice, our staff spent an hour of memory, "Life without fear". After listening to the information, preschool workers learned in detail about the events that took place on this day, as well as the heroic deeds of teachers and commandos who rescued hostages. This tragedy left no one indifferent, the story was listened to with tears in his eyes. At the end of the event, everyone expressed their opinion about the inadmissibility of terrorism, the need to be indifferent, attentive and responsible. Support others, prevent the spread of terrorist views.