Городская библиотека - филиал № 3

Library Rules


Eleven. These rules are designed according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the RF Law "Fundamentals of the Legislation on Culture", the Laws of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan "On Libraries", other laws and regulations of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Charter of the municipal budget organization "Centralized Library System "Nizhnekamsk, municipal budgetary institutions" intersettlement Library System Nizhnekamsk Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan "(hereinafter referred to Nizhnekamsk CBS).


12. The founder of the MBU "CBS of Nizhnekamsk" MBU "MBS Nizhnekamsk Municipal District of Tatarstan" is a municipal institution Department of Culture of the Executive Committee of Nizhnekamsk Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan.


13. CBS Library Nizhnekamsk - a non-profit organization funded from the municipal budget in a position to replicate the fund documents intended for public use and permanent storage.


14. CBS Library Nizhnekamsk - is informational, cultural, and educational institutions, performing functions: formation, storage and delivery of library users of various types of documents in all branches of knowledge, taking into account the interests and needs of its users.


15. Library Nizhnekamsk CBS operates in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan, the regulations of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan, the Charter of the library and these "rules."


16. "Library Rules" regulate the general order of service organizations and members of Nizhnekamsk Nizhnekamsk district, the rights and responsibilities of libraries CBS Nizhnekamsk and users.

2. The rights of users of the library.


2.1. Users of Nizhnekamsk CBS are eligible to be both physical and legal persons (companies, institutions, firms). All library users are entitled to free access to the library and select a library branch structural unit in accordance with their needs and interests.



2.1.1. Users of specialized children's branch offices Nizhnekamsk CBS, Central Children's Library may be minor citizens from 0 to 16 years (preschoolers and students in grades 1-9 schools), their parents and professionals working with children who have a professional attitude to children's literature and children's reading, students of educational institutions on the profile of a "culture" or "pedagogy" (Civil Code (hereinafter the Civil Code), Art. 26 (claim 1), Art. 28 (p. 1, 3). Law, Art. 7 ( p. 4), Article 5 (claim 1), Article 8 (paragraph 4)).


2.1.2. Members Nizhnekamsk CBG children and youth have the right to library services in specialized children's libraries, public libraries, family-type rural branches Nizhnekamsk CBS.


2.2. Library users have the right to be served in the two official languages of the Republic of Tatarstan.


2.3. Citizens who have temporary registration in Nizhnekamsk Nizhnekamsk region and enjoy reading rooms free subscription - bail.


2.4. Legal persons shall enjoy the library fund Nizhnekamsk CBS on the basis of contracts. (Law, Art. 13 (p. 6)).


2.5. The main document, which gives the right to use funds Nizhnekamsk CLS is a library form.


2.6. Library users are entitled to receive free of charge:

full information on the composition of the funds through a system of catalogs and card files Nizhnekamsk CBS, other forms of library information;
information about the presence of a specific document in the fund;
advisory assistance in search and selection of information sources;
the temporary use of any document from the funds Nizhnekamsk CBS, or a copy of it on paper or other media in the form that does not allow commercial copying the document by the user or other persons. (Law, Art. 7, the Federal Law "On Copyright and Related Rights" Art. 19, para. 2);
use the services of interlibrary loan.

2.7. Members Nizhnekamsk CLS are entitled to provide paid services in accordance with the "Regulation on the paid services in the MBU" CBS of Nizhnekamsk "and MBU" MBS Nizhnekamsk Municipal District "approved by the Director of CLS.

2.8. Library users also have the right to:

participate in all the events held in libraries Nizhnekamsk CBS;
to elect and be elected to the Board of Public Libraries; to participate in the report to the public library for the year;
express their views and opinions about the activities of libraries and individual workers;
make proposals to improve the work of libraries Nizhnekamsk CLS, improving its structure;
persons awarded with orders, all categories of disabled persons and participants of the Great Patriotic War, veterans of labor are entitled to free maintenance and extraordinary;
services for the disabled, where necessary, can be made directly from their home library employees;
to appeal against the actions of the officials that infringe their rights.


3. RESPONSIBILITY library users

3.1. Users are obliged to observe Nizhnekamsk CBS Library Rules, to respect the work of employees (Law, Art. 9).


3.2. Users who break the rules and caused damage to the library (physical damage documents, loss of documents or violation of terms of return of documents taken that involves a violation of the rights of other users of the library), must compensate for it in the following order:


3.2.1. In case of loss or deterioration of documents from the library - are required to:

replace them respectively in the same library equivalent or recognized;
at impossibility of replacement - compensate for their costs, on the basis of the market value of the lost document at a given time;
reimburse the cost of a copy of the lost or damaged document.

3.2.2. In case of delayed return of books and failure to extend the period of use to the reader to apply measures stipulated in Sec. 7.7 and 7.8. hereof.


3.2.3.Za the loss of printed and other documents from the library, causing irreparable damage or injury and violation of terms of return of documents underage users responsibility of their parents, guardians, trustees, educational institutions, educational and medical institutions under the supervision of which they are composed. (CC, Art. 22 (Sec. 4.1)).


3.2.3. In case of delayed return of books and failure to extend the period of use to the reader to apply measures stipulated in Sec. 7.7 and 7.8. hereof.


3.2.4. In other cases, harm to property or personnel library users are responsible in accordance with applicable law. (GC, CC).


3.3. Upon receipt of the document the user is obliged:

review it carefully and, in case of any defects, inform the librarian, who is obliged to make appropriate notes on documents issued;
take care of the documents from the library: do them no marks, do not pull or bend pages, do not take out of the library premises (offices), if the documents are not issued as a librarian, to return them in a timely manner;
sign for each received in a document library (except for pre-school children) in the form.

3.4. The form of the reader, the book form, the maturity of the leaf is a document certifying the date of issuance of the facts and documents and receive them as a librarian.


3.5. The deadline set MBU "CBS of Nizhnekamsk" and MBU "MBS Nizhnekamsk Municipal District", the user must reregister readers documents upon presentation of a passport. By the time the reader has to re-pay amounts in structural subdivisions of the library. Persons in arrears are not allowed to use the library until full repayment of the debt.


3.6. The user is also obliged to:

care of the property libraries;
not to violate the placement of funds in departments with open access to it, do not remove the card catalogs and card files;
not included in outerwear in the library premises;
not to make the room library large bags, backpacks, bags and so on. n. (they should leave in the locker room);
observe the rules of conduct in public places.

4. Law Library


4.1. The library has the right to:

after consultations founder (MU Department of Culture of the Executive Committee of Nizhnekamsk Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan), "Library Rules";
to determine the content and form of professional activity in accordance with the objectives set out in the Law "On Libraries" and the Charter;
to control their own financial, human resources;
to determine the sources of acquisition of its assets, except for the legal deposit of documents;
carry out economic activities in order to expand the list of services provided to library users, and the social and creative development of the library, provided that it is not detrimental to its core business;
seize and sell the documents from its funds, besides the documents referred to the cultural and historical values, in accordance with an exception of documents and applicable legal acts;
to determine the types and amounts of compensation for moral and material damage and harm caused by the user of the library; to determine the amount of bail; value-added services (RT Law "On Libraries and Librarianship" Art. 12);
to determine the conditions of use of the library collection on the basis of contracts with legal entities and individuals;
to collaborate with the libraries of other departments, to conduct inter-library book exchange;
perform other actions are not contrary to law.

5.1. The library is obliged to:

guided by the principles of humanism, political and ideological pluralism;
reflect in its activities to the Company's ideological and political diversity;
to familiarize the user with the "Terms of Use Library";
ensure the safety of library fund in the first place especially valuable part, local history documents are national and cultural heritage;
create all conditions for the implementation of user rights to free access to information and documents from the collections of libraries, to provide high standards of service;
learn and maximize the meet the needs of users (not allowed to use information about the user and his reading in all cases, except for scientific purposes);
carry out bibliographic and information services to meet the requirements of time;
promote the formation of the information needs of users, to take measures to attract users to the library.
systematically monitor the timely return of the library issued documents;
maintain records, storage and use of the library in accordance with the established rules, ensuring their conservation and sustainable use. (Law, Art. 12);
conduct statistical reporting in accordance with the state forms;
report on its activities to the professional founders.

6. ORDER blog entries in the library


6.1. Recording is carried out in the library upon presentation of an identity document. Children under 14 are recorded on the basis of the identity document of the legal representatives (passport), and surety (the application). (CC, Art. 26 (p. 1), Art. 28 (Sec. 1.3). Law, Art. 7 (p. 4)).


6.2. When recording to the Library user should be familiar with the "Rules to use the library" and confirm their commitment to do their signature in the reader.


6.3. Parents, guardians, other legal representatives must be familiar with the use of library and writing (his signature statement) the obligation to assure compliance.


6.4. When recording to the library reader issued reader form, which gives the right to use the funds of the library and other services. Must be indicated on the form Name the reader, recording date, number, etc. form. data available on the letterhead form. The serial number of the reader library or its affiliated companies saved him until the end of the year.


6.5. With relocation, change of name and other changes the reader should inform the library.


7. TERMS OF USE season tickets


7.1. Subscription - a form of personal service for the issuing of documents for use outside the library for a certain period and under certain conditions.


7.2. Students from 1 st class and then painted in their formularies that they know the rules and they agree to follow them.


7.3. For each received document the user (except for preschool and grades 1-4) must sign the form. When returning documents painted reader repaid signature librarian.


7.4. The user can get home at the same time no more than 5 books, film and photo, magazines (bail - no more than 3 specimens of each type of media) for a period of 10 days (for children's libraries), for a period of 15 days (for adults libraries).


7.5.Vse publications issued by the readers at home, written in the form, at the same time indicate: the date of issue, the inventory number of the document, the index author and the title of the work.



7.6. Term of using documents may be extended up to two times if there is no demand from other users. Perhaps the extension phone.


7.7. The administration of the library is obliged to systematically monitor the timely return of the library issued documents:

30 days librarian reminds the reader (in writing or by telephone) about the need to return the documents;
readers not to return books after the first reminder is sent days cherez7-10 second warning;
readers not to return books after the second reminder, the library is taking measures of social influence: sending home library or an employee activist treatment at the place of work or study debtors, etc .;
an appeal to the courts.

7.8. In case of delayed return of books and failure to extend the period of use of the reader must reimburse:

extension of the return of the document to the library;
postal costs for a postcard reminder of the debt, as well as for travel on public transport in the event of a visit to his home as a librarian debtors (Regulation on paid services in libraries MBU "CBS of Nizhnekamsk" MBU "MBS Nizhnekamsk Municipal District of Tatarstan")

7.7.1 If the documents are not returned for a valid reason, the library can be applied administrative measures:

deny the right to use a subscription or permanently for a specific period of time (not less than 2 months); (Article 13-FZ; GC-st.12,15, st.330);
 Translate reader service only in the reading room.

7.7.2 Persons in arrears are not allowed to use the library until full repayment of the debt.


7.8. In case of loss or damage to the document taken by compensate the damage in accordance with para. 3.2. hereof.

8. TERMS OF USE reading rooms.


8.1. Reading room - a structural unit of the library with room for reading and allowing the use of printed and other documents in the library premises.


8.2. Reading rooms give the right to use any document from the library, or a copy on paper or other media.


8.3. The number of documents issued to the user in the reading rooms is not limited.


8.4. Rare and valuable editions, only copies of the documents, the documents obtained from other libraries or copies thereof on paper or other media, are issued only in the reading rooms.


8.5. Documents taken in the reading room, are not allowed to stand in the other departments of the library. Exceptions are the documents requested by the user to remove the copies. Suitability for document

photocopying reading room librarian determines.


8.6. In the book, obtained from the fund reading room, readers are painted in the forms, and periodicals can be issued without the signature of the readers.

Readers preschool and secondary schools, students from 1st to 9th grades received for literature in the forms are not painted.


8.7. The reading rooms, serving readers children, record of publications issued in the forms required;


8.8. Funds for the damage you are responsible in accordance with para. 3.2 of this Regulation.


9. deprived of the right to use the library


9.1. The right to use a particular library (at least 2 months)

or permanently deprived in the following cases (FZ - art. 13; GK- Art. 12, 15, p. 330):


9.1.1. The systematic violation of the established library book return deadlines without good reason.


9.1.2. When intentional damage of property of the library.


9.1.3. In case of refusal by repair damage.


9.1.4. When unethical behavior by the library, interfere with activities of other users and library staff.