Городская библиотека - филиал № 3

the story library

Library number 3 was opened in October 1969 in the street of Youth, in the city of Nizhnekamsk. It was opened in
 two rooms of 28 square meters. A subscriber room and reading room just for 10 seats for readers. The library fund was 200 books.
In November 1972, the library moved to a new district of the city at Chemists av. 72a.
During the 40 years, the head of the library was Zamyakina Alexandra Andreevna.
In 1975, the library was awarded the title " The Library of Excellent work."
In 1981 the library moved into the building of fomer art school  at Chemists 72в, where it remains today.

In 2009 the head of the library was appointed  Irina Borisovna Andreeva.


     The library has two clubs of interest:
- Club "Honorary reader"- for War and Labor veterans and home front workers.
- And the club "Literary Thursday" - for lovers of literary creativity.
Our Library is the cultural center of districts 6 and 7 in the city of Nizhnekamsk.
The Library has a close cooperation with the schools of district 9, 11,
 correctional school number 18,
kindergartens number 19 and 22, and 
domestic clubs "Zateynik", "Youth", and "Amethyst"
and thanks to all this cooperation work the library atmosphere is always interesting and creative.

литературный четверг май 2015