Городская библиотека - филиал № 1

A Thousand Wise Pages

The library hosted a week of information  «A Thousand Wise Pages» on the novelties of literature.
- Review of the exhibition  «Eating Kitaby. Book of the Year 2020»
- Book collapse  «I read, we read» - acquaintance with novelties of prose of Russian and foreign writers. Books as a gift from readers were presented in the genres: science fiction, detective story, women's novel.
- Information and cognitive hour  «Secrets of Planet Earth» - a presentation of books about unusual facts, discoveries, mysteries of the planet took place, and the participants of the event tested their knowledge by solving the scanword  «Gymnastics for the mind».
- The oral magazine  «Friendship of peoples - friendship of literaturesМ» - for the year of native languages and the unity of peoples, a new series of books-translations of works of different peoples into the Tatar language was presented to readers.
Within the framework of the Information Week there was an exhibition  «Eating Kitaby. Book of the Year 2020», viewing tables and tables «Book Planet», where everyone could get acquainted with new literature and take their favorite books to their homes.
The events of this period gave the library visitors a lot of impressions, made it possible to usefully spend their free time, communicate, exchange opinions.