Городская библиотека - филиал № 1

«Great and eternal feat»

The library hosted a video viewing dedicated to the 800th anniversary of the national hero and medieval commander, Prince of Kievan Rus Alexander Nevsky.
The participants of the meeting made a virtual excursion into the Middle Ages, learned how Alexander Nevsky was a great commander and statesman. About his victories in the Battle of the Neva in 1240 and the Battle of the Ice in 1242.
Historical videos were offered to the attention of the audience:
Alexander Nevsky: From your native land - die, but don't go!
Battle on the ice«Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword»
Guests with passion were determined from the proposed quotes belonging to A. Nevsky and actively participated in the test quiz.
The event turned out to be bright and rich.