Городская библиотека - филиал № 1

“When we are one, we are invincible”

National Unity Day is a holiday bringing nations together. It refers to public holidays in Russia. For Russia of our day, National Unity Day is a holiday in which we pay tribute to the true traditions of patriotism, the consent of the people, and faith in the Fatherland. By this momentous date, the information corner “When we are united, we are not victorious” was issued in the library.
         Students of the 10th grade of school No. 16, who visited the library on this day, made a short distance journey into the history of the Time of Troubles in 1612 using the review of literature presented at the exhibition, got acquainted with the history of the holiday, and took an active part in the quiz on the subject, revealing good knowledge on stories.
        Summing up the event, we came to the conclusion together: it was in November 1612 that for the first time what we call civil solidarity, civic responsibility first emerged sprouts of civil society. It was a great turning point in the life of our country, and we will always celebrate this date from now on.
21 people attended.