Городская библиотека - филиал № 1

"Library - for young readers: resources, services"

      The history of the oldest city library aroused the interest of visitors to the library. Indeed, for the young builders of the petrochemical giant on the Kama River, at that time, the library was the only cultural institution. Conversations - reviews at book exhibitions turned into a dialogue about the importance of reading in the life of every person.

      After the information about the Unified library card, some readers were recorded in the library and received the ECB.
  Then the tour continued in the newly created room for public events. Here the library staff replenished with miniature exhibits a mini museum of the life of the Volga residents. The guys examined utensils, clothes that are very different from modern things, now surrounding them. In addition, we got acquainted with literature on the culture, traditions, and life of the Tatar people.
   The library has registered 19 people; Issued: 15 magazines.