Городская библиотека - филиал № 1

Book Quiz "The book is a mystery"

In the summertime, the literary courtyard became an integral part for the residents of the microdistrict. Twice a month, the library team works with a book, pedestrians, and vacationers on a green meadow. This time, the anniversary books - 2019 were presented to the attention. The most “age-related” of those proposed was the book by Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe. She is 300 years old! Quiz: “The Book of Riddle” aroused genuine interest among passersby. Books in bright paper wrapping paper attracted the eye. Many people wanted to solve what book was hidden. If it did not work out right away, then the leading questions from the librarians helped to come to a solution. The exhibition was crowded, noisy and fun.
           18 people were present