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Literary online meeting with the author of 10 books Mars Yagudin

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The broadcast will take place on September 3 at 2 pm on several sites: on the website biblioteka-chelny.rf https: //library-chelny.rf/, on VKontakte social networks https://vk.com/bibl_chelny and on the official YouTube channel Libraries of Naberezhnye Chelny https://www.youtube.com

Mars Yagudin is the author of 10 books: “And the lark sings in the sky” (2000), “Hidden place” (2002), “This is life” (2005), “Geese are flying” (2007), “Through the years ...” ( 2008), "Hidden Images" (2009), "And the River Flowed" (2009), "Well with a Crane" (2010), "Where's My Nose" (2010).

Member of the Union of Russian Writers and the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Tatarstan, member of the Literary Fund of Russia and the International Literary Fund. Author of numerous publications in periodicals. Winner of a number of literary competitions. He was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Union of Writers of Russia "For creative success and active participation in literary life", the Regional Studies Prize named after Zulfira Safina for the book "Through the Years".

He tries to write his stories, essays and stories on concrete life material. The heroes of the books are interesting or strange people of his native village, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, masters of their craft, people of unusual fate.