Центральная библиотека
  • Web site: http://библиотека-челны.рф/
  • Phone: (8552) 70-02-26
  • E-mail: library-cbs@mail.ru
  • Address: 423807 РТ, г.Набережные Челны, б-р Ямашева, 4/14А Проезд: трамваем до остановки «ДК "Энергетик"», автобусом до остановки «Гостиница Татарстан» или «Парк культуры»

Opening of the exhibition "I will paint the whole world"

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The opening of the first solo exhibition of Svetlana Solonikova will take place in the small art gallery of the Central City Library on December 12 at 15 o'clock. She is a student of the People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan Madiyar Khaziev.

The exhibition will feature works in various genres: animalism, still lifes, portraits, landscapes made in the open air. Svetlana Nikolaevna is a lover of travel. At the opening day, you will be able to get acquainted with the works written in Ecuador.

Famous artists, musicians, poets of our city will come to the opening of the exhibition.
We invite everyone.

Phone inquiries. 70-02-26

The event will be held in compliance with all sanitary and epidemiological standards. Have personal protective equipment with you.

Read more about the exhibitions in the central library on the Poster page. Opening of exhibitions.