Центральная библиотека
  • Web site: http://библиотека-челны.рф/
  • Phone: (8552) 70-02-26
  • E-mail: library-cbs@mail.ru
  • Address: 423807 РТ, г.Набережные Челны, б-р Ямашева, 4/14А Проезд: трамваем до остановки «ДК "Энергетик"», автобусом до остановки «Гостиница Татарстан» или «Парк культуры»

Poetry marathon «Tukai's poems in my language».

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On April 26, the square in front of the Central City Library will host the poetry marathon «Tukai shigyrlare telemda», dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the birth of the great Tatar poet G. Tukai. The main goal of the marathon is to emphasize the greatest importance of Tukai's poetry, which plays a major role in the literary and cultural life of modern society.

The poetry marathon starts at 15.00. The book and illustrative exhibition «Tukaydan ilham alip...» (Inspired by Tukay) will be designed for readers.

Famous writers and poets of our city will take an active part in this poetry marathon.

A detailed program of the event can be found on the website of the Central City Library: library-Chelny.RF.