Городская библиотека - филиал № 5

The golden placer of folk folklore

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Folklore is a cultural heritage that unites the people, the wisdom of their ancestors and traditions passed down from generation to generation. Nowadays, when technology and modern culture are taking up more and more space in children's lives, it is important not to forget about the rich heritage of folk folklore. The little guests of the holiday will plunge into the world of Russian folk tales, songs, sayings, riddles, tongue twisters. They will learn what oral folk art is. They will get acquainted with various genres of folklore: counting books, epics, ditties, legends, jokes and proverbs. The folklore festival will help children not only to have a varied and interesting time, but also to immerse themselves in the wonderful world of folk traditions and customs. By fostering respect for their cultural heritage, children will be able to preserve it and pass it on to future generations.