Городская библиотека - филиал № 24

"The book is a toy with his hands. What is the charm of these stories".

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Library-branch № 24 declares crafts contest
"The book is a toy with his hands. What a lovely fairy tale!".
A fairy tale is magic. The tale teaches to distinguish good from bad, right from wrong, smart from stupid. In addition, a fairy tale helps children to develop imagination. In it there is necessarily something fantastic, implausible and magical. No wonder the famous Russian proverb says: "a fairy tale is a lie, but in it a hint, a good lesson to the good fellows." We invite you to take part in the contest: create your own fairy tale and make a book with your own hands.
The competition accepts toy books of all shapes and varieties (DIY book, figure book, book with game plan, soft and tactile books, etc.) Works will be evaluated by age groups and various categories. Pupils of preschool institutions, institutions of additional education, students of secondary schools of the city, together with their teachers and parents are invited to participate.
The competition is held from February 5 to April 12, 2019.