Городская библиотека - филиал № 23
  • Web site: http://kitap.tatar.ru/en/site/42317908-23/
  • Phone: (8552) 46-51-51
  • E-mail: not have
  • Address: 423803 РТ, г. Набережные Челны, Сармановский тракт,д.10/48,кв.1-3 (ЗЯБ, 18/38, кв. 1-3). Проезд автобусом до остановки "17 комплекс".

"Yazuchi da batyr da"

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September 14, 2018 for the children of primary school in the library branch №23, with the purpose to acquaint students with the life and work of A. Alish, will take place the literary evening "Yazuchi da batyr da" dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the writer's birth. The book exhibition "Balalar yazuchysy - Alish" will be issued. The children will listen to the conversation about the writer's life and work, look at the slide presentation on Alish's fairy tales, listen to the story "Boltovaya Duck" and answer the questions of the quiz "Animal World in Alisha's Creativity", will take part in the literary game "Khreflearne deres itep urnashtyr". It is also planned to stage a fairy tale "Chukmar belon Tukmar", display cartoons, made according to the tales of Alisha.