Городская библиотека - филиал № 22
  • Web site: http://kitap.tatar.ru/en/site/42317908-22/
  • Phone: not have
  • E-mail: nchelny.bibl22@tatar.ru
  • Address: 423800 РТ, г. Набережные Челны пр. Вахитова, 3,СОШ №48 (Новый город, 54/23). Проезд автобусами и трамваем до остановки «Ак мечеть» по Московскому проспекту, или до остановки «Детские сады» по проспекту М. Вахитова.

"Poetic box"

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October 18 in the library-branch № 22 for students of 8 - 9 classes will be an oral magazine "Poetic box" dedicated to poets-anniversaries, E. Yevtushenko, R. Rozhdestvensky, Voznesensky. It is recognized by the poets and the symbols of the Soviet era. Students will learn the main milestones of life and career, listen to the poems and songs of these poets. The children will be asked to evaluate their poetic skills and originality.