Библиотечно-информационный центр № 1

"Chamomile mood"

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On July 8, on the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, Library and Information Center No. 1 will hold an educational and game hour "Chamomile mood" for residents of the neighborhood. Librarians will tell you about the origins of the holiday, which came to us from the ancient city of Murom, whose inhabitants especially revered the Murom saints Prince Peter and his wife Fevronia, who lived in the XIII century. The guests will take part in interesting games and contests: "Name each family member affectionately", "Who lives in our apartment?", "The Nimble cook". Children will share how they help their parents in the family. The hour will end with the "Chamomile" contest, where the guys will draw a symbol of love on the asphalt – a daisy.