Городская библиотека - филиал № 15

Literary composition "The life and fate of Daniil Granin"

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The librarian will introduce readers to the pages of the biography and work of the writer Daniil Alexandrovich Granin. After watching excerpts from the documentary "Life is too short to be unhappy", visitors of the event will learn about his parents, the reasons for choosing a life path, his impressions and reflections on the past war.

The participants of the meeting will be able to express their opinions about the writer's books that they have read before. The "Blockade book", a documentary and authentic work written in collaboration with the Belarusian writer Ales Adamovich, will attract special attention of the guests.
Librarians hope that after the event, readers will have a desire to continue their acquaintance with Daniil Alexandrovich's books and take them to read.