Городская библиотека - филиал № 13

Discussion of the book "Morality of the XXI century»

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An exchange of views on the book by the writer D. S. Sommer "Morality of the XXI Century" will take place, and everyone will be able to share their impressions about this book. The following questions are proposed for discussion:: - does the author justify the good? - how do moral norms affect our harmony and success in life? - evolution, morality, soul-what is missing in our world? - what does the author suggest that allows a person to achieve true success and live in harmony with the laws of Nature? - the author reveals the global issues of the development of modern civilization. What did you emphasize to yourself after reading the book? Participants will also listen to information about the history of the book, which touches on the topics of philosophy, psychology and science, about the author's vision of morality, and support their assessment with objective scientific data obtained as a result of experiments.