Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 11

Educational and game program "ProstoKanikulovo" (6+)

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On June 8, the educational and game program "ProstoKanikulovo" will be held in the library-branch No. 11 for children of primary school age. Children will make a trip to Prostokvashino by the beloved children's writer Eduard Uspensky. At each station, travelers will be met by the heroes of Eduard Uspensky's books - the old woman Shapoklyak and the cat Matroskin. At the first Welcome station, the children will be introduced to the biography and work of the writer. At the next station, they will listen to the ads in the "Funny Ads" contest. And at the station called "House of Friends" they will watch a booktrailer based on the book "Crocodile Gena and his friends", an interactive quiz on this book will be held. Then the songs of literary heroes will be guessed in the music competition. A new test will be waiting for the participants at the last Prostokvashino station. After successfully completing all the tasks, together with the cat Matroskin, the children will watch the cartoon "Holidays in Prostokvashino".