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The Union unites

The youth Council of the Tatar Republican organization of the Russian trade Union of cultural workers from 17-19 may 2019 at the site of the sanatorium "Vasilievsky" organized the first Republican youth trade Union forum of culture "#Culture-FEST-2019". Participants of the forum were students and working youth of cultural institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan in all areas of the industry (Museum, library, cinema, house of culture, educational, Executive, theatrical art). The forum has been our employee, Gulnaz R., together with employees of institutions of culture of Arsky district, Karimova Almirall, Thaweewong Albina and Sibagatullin Sulfato. The number of participants was more than 140 people.

The days of the forum were so busy and tight on schedule, which allowed participants to plunge into the direction and to spend time! Educational part of a panel discussion of the conference, the collective charge, together with the "Green fitness", new acquaintances, exchange of experience, tough games and training. In the framework of the forum there was a contest of essays and project works. Shakirzyanova Gulnaz Ramilevna's performance turned out to be one of the best, and her work took the honorable 3rd place, with which she is congratulated! For the participants of the forum organized a panel discussion with prominent people. Among them were Isayeva Anastasia Georgievna (Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan), Sugonyako Denis Viktorovich (Head of the Department of the Ministry of youth Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan), Ismagilova Rezeda Nailevna (Director of the Centralized library system of Kazan) and many other distinguished guests.Most importantly, the speakers ' communication with the forum participants resulted in the signing of the resolution at the end of the forum. Great platform for useful work!

Guests of "#Culture-FEST-2019" were representatives of the trade Union of Kostroma, Sverdlovsk region of Russia and the Republic of Belarus. The event was organized primarily in order to get acquainted with colleagues from other cities and republics, to share experiences, to identify creative youth, to expand the circle of acquaintances, to involve young people in social trade Union activities. I would like to note the special role of Albina Faridovna Sabitova – Chairman of the Tatar Republican Committee of the trade Union of cultural workers, the leader of the trade Union of Tatarstan. Thanks to her, this event took place. And also her team for the organization of the forum at the highest level! These were unforgettable days!

We Express our deep gratitude to the Chairman of the Arsky regional Committee of labor Union of workers of culture, of Davletshinoy Naile Adamovna for the opportunity to visit such a wonderful forum! We hope that such events will become a good tradition!