Центральная детская библиотека

"Cenacarta althoughthe»

On March 27, as part of the" children's book Week "in the Regional children's library, the event"in the film Kingdom of the multistate" was held. The children, together with their parents, watched interesting cartoons created by Katya Matyushkina's book "fir Brooms, or the adventures of Vanya in sandals and sundress", and also got acquainted with the work of the writer herself. Ekaterina matyushkina is one of the most famous children's writers in Russia. It is always distinguished by incredible stories, kindness, sincerity, spontaneity, the ability to look at the world through the eyes of a child. A separate conversation deserves bright illustrations-the works of the author, funny and charming, thought out to the smallest detail, they literally fascinate young readers, and funny comments to them will make you smile more than once.