Центральная детская библиотека

Turning Pushkin's fairy tales

  June 9, Arsky district children's library was visited by the children Rehabilitation center "Source of Hope". They took part in the literary ring dedicated to the amazing tales of "the sun of Russian literature" - A. S. Pushkin.
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin... What succinct words. There is hardly a child who has not heard about this poet. And about the adults and can not speak: they all grew up on fairy tales by Pushkin. His tales is the world of the poet, nor one fairy tale not similar to each other, but the morality of fairy tales is very similar.
  To our surprise, the kids Center flashed a good knowledge of fairy tales of Pushkin, and some were even able to tell the Scriptures by heart. We were struck by the fact that the children with awe and diligence answering questions, performing tasks, showed their artistry. And at the end of our event it fascinating watching a cartoon "the Tale of the priest and of his workman Balda".