Центральная детская библиотека

"Into the future without bad habits" (educational hour)

  March 22 in the District children's library for students of 7 classes ASOSH №1 was an informative hour "in the future without bad habits" with the participation of pediatrician ATSRB Gafiatullina S. H.      

 Gafiatullina S. H. very accessible and informative told the guys about a healthy lifestyle, gave advice on how to avoid bad habits.

  The electronic presentation and the book exhibition “Your health in your hands”were presented to the attention of the audience. Teenagers also watched a video about the dangers of Smoking, alcohol, answered questions. With pleasure took part in competition of posters "Tell to drugs -" No!", wrote a quatrain on " To live very long...".

   The guys were United in their opinion: to be able to say " no "and resist the negative external influence, and to choose the motto for their lives:" I am for a healthy lifestyle!»