Центральная детская библиотека

"Your Nanny Arina Rodionovna..."

  This time, Arsky district children's library visited the school camps ASOSH No. 1. For students in the camp band, in honor of the birthday of the great poet and writer Alexander Pushkin, was prepared an exciting event for the tales of Pushkin and his nanny Arina Rodionovna.
  The kid can't read yet, but already repeats after adults: "the wind on the sea walk and drives the ship...".
The name of A. S. Pushkin is familiar to every Russian. It is known and loved by all – kids and adults, because Pushkin is our pride, our national heritage.
  A literary ring dedicated to the wonderful fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin began with an introductory talk about the life and creative path of the poet and the nanny Arina Rodionovna. The children took active part in various quiz rounds: recalled content of tales "Competition" miss universe", continued proposed excerpts "what happened next?", rest of the watch very funny animated film “the Tale about priest and his worker Balda”, guessed the fairy tale illustrations. In the last round of the "Black box" have been proposed various image items, and the guys were supposed to call a fairy tale, where this subject is involved.
All the guys were actively involved in the game, has expanded knowledge and expanded horizons, and also showed a good knowledge of fairy tales
Of A. S. Pushkin.