Центральная детская библиотека

"Peace begins with childhood"

   June 1, traditionally celebrated international children's day. This time, he was held in a picturesque place of our city - in Victory Park. For children, this day brings a double pleasure: first, come their favorite holiday and secondly, hurray for the holidays that they look forward to it!
But it should be noted that this date has combined another event is the awarding ceremony of the project “Cultural diary of the student.”
Was invited to the festival both children and adults. Specially designed games and entertainment provided for the participation of children of different ages.
    The Park was filled with noise, fun and laughter of kids. They were able to take part in different interesting competitions, games, literary quiz “through the pages of favorite fairy tales”, to sing to the guitar songs, and finally, filling almost the entire area of the Park, the kids all together all together dancing flash mob “Surprise”.
The holiday left in the memory of all guests don't forget the moments, gave a lot of positive emotions, rallied the children, and most importantly, they have gained even more friends!!!