Центральная детская библиотека

"I would join the army!»

 On this day, we congratulate the veterans of the great Patriotic war, the participants of combat events in hot spots, those who carried and those who now, in peacetime, serves in the ranks of the Russian army, as well as the younger generation of soldiers — future defenders of their native country. And in this regard, we have prepared a competitive program "I would go to the army!", dedicated to the defender of the Fatherland Day, which was attended by students 4 " a " class ASOSH №1. The guys learned what the army is, what troops exist, how the service was held before and much more.

 The highlight of our event was a meeting with Ilgizovich Baykov, Who served in the Navy. He shared his experience, impressions of service in the army: he told how he is serving in the army and how to prepare for it. Also, the guys took an active part in the team game, the results of which were determined and awarded the winners.
 Dear Defenders, we congratulate you on the upcoming holidays!