Центральная детская библиотека

Information hour security "rules of the road worthy of respect"

    May 20 in Arsk children's library held an information hour on the topic "rules of the road worthy of respect". Students were invited to the 1st "B" class ASOSH № 1 with teacher Anisimova N. B.
    Leading acquainted children with the history of the road, road signs and the appearance of the first traffic light. The guys answered the questions of the quiz "the Street is full of surprises", "the Troubles from the tree". I judged the situation where you had to explain the marking of signs, solution of tasks of "road – pedestrian". At the end of the event was held the game "Cross the street", they also solved riddles and watched cartoons on the rules of the road. The guys were very attentive and active.
     At the end of the lesson the kids have expressed their opinion that lots of rules, but the rules of the road are the most important. And gave the word that will learn to repeat and abide by the rules and not to expose his life, and other people in danger.