Центральная детская библиотека

"Heroes of Gaidar books on the screen" (Literary hour to 115 years of Gaidar)

"I hope that you guys learned from childhood to love the Motherland, honest living and honest work, to take care of her and protect»
A. P. Gaidar.
This year, January 22 marks 115 years since the birth of the outstanding writer, founder of the Timur movement
A. P. Gaidar. Years pass, but Gaidar's works to this day are read by children with pleasure and bring up in them sense of patriotism.
This day we decided to associate with no less significant day - the day of children's cinema. To get acquainted with the life and work of the writer, we invited students of 2 "B" class ASOSH №1 to the "Reading cinema".
During the literary hour "Heroes of Gaidar books on the screen" children learned more about the history of the story "Chuk and Huck", took part in the quiz, remembered other children's works of the author, as well as for a holistic perception of the work, students watched an excerpt from the fascinating film "Chuk and Huck".