Центральная детская библиотека

"In the children's faces looked grim time"

    On may 6, in celebration of the great Victory, for the students 3"A"class ASOSH No. 1 was a literary and poetic composition "In children's faces looked grim time".
    Hard, hungry and cold war years, went to all our people but especially hard for children. In those terrible years on the fragile shoulders lay the burden of military adversity and hardship. But they did not bend under the weight, became stronger spirit, braver, tougher.

   About it and how to live, how they helped children to adults in these dashing years, how he fought, told a literary and musical composition, which sounded heartfelt poems and prodemonstrirovali presentation slides with piercing on children of war.
At the end of the meeting the participants watched an excerpt from the film “son of the regiment” and were interested in reading books by V. Kataev “son of the regiment”. 
In conclusion, students were able to briefly see the history of the St. George ribbon and according to tradition, on the eve of the great

     Victory, a large-scale campaign called “George ribbon”. In a sign of respect to the veterans, a tribute to the fallen on the battlefield, in gratitude to the people who sacrificed everything for the front, students also were handed out the ribbons and the boys proud to put them on his chest.