Центральная детская библиотека

Discussion the video store "Characters name in the movie"

      There are so many beautiful arts – the art of dance and fine arts, literature and music, theatre and poetry. These beautiful art have existed for many millenniums. Later, appeared among them, and one more thing – the art of cinema. Movie quite yet baby – he's only a little over one hundred years. But this kid was born under a lucky star – after all, I just love it! In the discussion the video store, we invited kids from the rehabilitation center “Source of hope”, to broaden their horizons about the Soviet and Russian cartoons and their creators.

     Through this event, students learned many new and interesting things about the history of cinema, was able to see how the film what the profession involved in the filmmaking process and that the movie begins with the book.

     Children actively participated in competitions igrovyh : “Cinema”, “Kino”, “Changeling”, “Cartoon country”, “Music”, “Guess the film excerpts”. Showed their skills and knowledge about the movies, the cartoons, which always give joy to children, teach kindness and justice.