Центральная детская библиотека

"In the mysterious labyrinths of the book Depository" (day three)

 October 25 in the children's library was the third stage of initiation of first-graders in the "Young readers". And on this day we came to visit the students of 1 “B” class ASOSH №1.
Children with special enthusiasm tried to show the knowledge on fairy tales and to carry out tasks, already fallen in love with all, fantastic heroes.
 We hope that our efforts and hopes will come true, the first seeds have already been "planted" and now we have to wait for the shoots... But for this we all parents, teachers, library staff, and children themselves need to work tirelessly! To acquaint with the wonderful world of Books!
 Congratulations to all our "Young readers"!!! Let's hope that our meetings will become frequent now. Until next time! We are waiting for all readers in the library, here you will find the best friends!