Центральная детская библиотека

"In friendship-force" (educational lesson of friendship)


 October 16 - on educational lesson of friendship - “friendship is power!"to visit us came students 1" b " class school №1.
 It is no secret that friendship unites children, there is a desire to help each other, to empathize with joy and sorrow together. Therefore, this topic is very relevant in primary school.
This lesson was conducted with elements of conversation, discussion, games and trainings. The guys are very together and participated in all stages of the lesson, lively and lovingly told my closest friends, tried to list the qualities that help to keep the friendship, participated in games and analyze an instructive story V. oseeva “Three comrades”.
And at the end of the event, in the” Reading cinema "the children watched an interesting cartoon "the biggest friend".
In turn, we wish everyone to cherish and appreciate the loyal relationship of their true friends!
Guys, let's live TOGETHER!!!