Центральная детская библиотека

"The best cultural diary of a schoolboy" (Award ceremony at the children's Sabantuy " rainbow of childhood»)

 June 9 - a wonderful holiday of children's Sabantuy - "rainbow of childhood"was held at the stadium of the city of Arsk. On this occasion, for the ceremony, we invited the winners of "The best cultural diary of the student."
Pupils of primary classes of Arsky district and Arsk city, during the whole academic year, together with parents, teachers visited various cultural institutions. They recorded their impressions in the"Cultural diary of a schoolboy".
 And the winners of "the best cultural diary" and "the best parent" were lucky enough to receive an invitation and visit on may 28 at the solemn event in the fairy-tale puppet theater "Akiyat" of Kazan.
Congratulations to the winners who took 1st place -" the best cultural diary»:
1. Zarina Nabiullina –the schoolgirl of 1 class ANOS No. 4
2. Nadrshin Sagit-student 2 " a " class ASOSH №1
3. Nadrshin Ilyas-student 2 " a " class ASOSH №1
4.Loshakova Danil-student 3 " a " class ASOSH №1
"The cultural parent" - Khanzhin Alina V. (Mother Loshakova Daniel)
2nd place:
1. Shigabutdinov Karim – the pupil of 1 "B" class ASOSH number 6
2. Sharafeev Ainur - the pupil of 1 "B" class AG No. 5
3. Guzel Valieva, a student of class 3 Starowilenskiy SOSH
4. Khidiyatullin the'fis - the pupil 4 "B" class ASOSH number 6
3rd place:
1. Kasimov Islam-student 1 " a " class ANOSH №3
2. The giniyatov Ruslan - the pupil of 1 "B" class ASOSH number 2
3. Sattarov Diamond –class 4 Leshansky SOSH
4. Idiatullina Camille is a student of class 3 Starowilenskiy SOSH
Once again, we congratulate all the winners and wish them not to stop! You are the greatest!!!

And the rest of the students who took an active part in the competition are awarded-letters of Thanks. All they had to do was try a little more. Let's hope that in the next years they will be the best!
1. Zakirov Asgat-student 1 " a " class ASOSH №1
2. The nigmatzyanov Salavat - the pupil of 1 "B" class ASOSH number 1
3. Nigmatullin said-student 1" B " class ASOSH №1
4. Mullagalieva Azaliya-student of 1" G " class ASOSH №1
5. Abdullina Elzira - student 1 "To" class ASOSH number 1
6. Davletshina Camille - student 1 "To" class ASOSH number 1
7. Ibragimova Lily-student of 1" G " class ASOSH №1
8. Musin Azat-student 1 " b " class Arskaya Gymnasium №5
9. Ganduvaru Daniel - pupil of 1 "B" class ASOSH number 6
10. Sattarova Syumbel - the schoolgirl of 1 class Leshansky SOSH
11. Muhutdinova, Azhul - the schoolgirl of 1 class Kalasinsky SOSH
12. Galieva Zamira-student 2 " a " class ANOSH №3
13. Sungatullin Danif – student 2-class Novocherkasskoy SOSH
14. Zavyalova Ralina-student 3 " a " class ASOSH №1
15. Kasimova Zarina-student 3 " a " class ASOSH №1
16. Vasnev Kirill-student 3" G " class ASOSH №1

 Friends! We wish everyone to strive to learn new things, to study the history of their native land, to continue to visit theaters, concerts, to be interested in art, to read good and informative books. Good luck all!