Центральная детская библиотека

"The future of the Earth is in our hands "(world environment day)

Take care of these lands, these waters,
Even a small malinochka loving,
Take care of all animals inside the nature,
Kill only the beasts within you.
E. A. Yevtushenko

 On June 4, our guests were teams of school camp ANOSH№3 at a very useful and necessary environmental event " the Future of the Earth in our hands”, dedicated to the world day of environmental protection.
We all understand that mother nature has always been and continues to be the nurse of man, she is generous, but she does not forgive mistakes! We talked about this and other issues of concern about the environment at our environmental lesson.
 Then, the children took an active part in the quiz, where they showed good knowledge in the field of natural Sciences, as well as learned new interesting facts about the environment.