Центральная детская библиотека

"Read with the whole family" (International family Day)

 May 16-on the family holiday reading "Read with the whole family", dedicated to the International day of the family, we invited parents and young readers of our 1 "A" class ASOSH №1.
It is very important when a child comes to the library with his parents, when they choose a book together and read it at their leisure.
 At our holiday family teams: Shakirovich, Idrisovich and Gilevich showed his skills, love of reading, put effort and a bit of humor to the preparation of creative tasks: “Moment of glory”, “Blitz-tournament”, “University challenge”, “Magic pouch”, etc. as well As, the team shared with all their clever ideas about reading books and tell about a favorite book of his family. Well, ardent fans, did not stay away, supported their classmates and showed knowledge of fairy tales.
 And the winners of our competition was the “reading family” - Gimaev.
 Congratulations to all participants, we wish them good health, love and many new friends – interesting books!
 We very much hope that such meetings will be traditional in our library and we want to wish that the wisdom of books always helped to unite the family!