Центральная детская библиотека

"History, imprinted in the book: 85 years since the release of the series "ZHZL".

 Employees of the Orsk children's library within the subject week of social and natural Sciences held in school № 1 event " History, imprinted in the book: 85 years since the release of the series "ZHZL".
 Attention to pupils of 6-7 classes was presented "Names. Events. People."for the purpose of historical memory, covenants and traditions, without which it is impossible to unite our society, or creative movement forward.
 Leading acquainted children with the history of the printing of the book series ZHZL. The value of the series ZHZL that through history and personality, it reveals all the wealth, diversity of cultures of the past, the biography of people who served the progress of mankind. These books are about famous and famous people who left behind the memory of descendants in the form of cultural, scientific, literary and other values.
 The library "ZHZL" occupies a very special place not only in the biography of the publishing house "Young guard", but also in the domestic book publishing in General.