Центральная детская библиотека

"Young heroes of the second world War "(within the campaign "Reading to children about war”)

 Day, the children's library hosted an hour of war stories - “Young heroes of the great Patriotic war”.
The event was held in conjunction with the students of the 4 “b” class ASOSH number 1.
It is impossible to tell about the war, not realizing just grief and not realizing the horrible events that befell the Russian people and the share of those who remained in the rear. For a complete picture of the war, you need to read more books on military subjects!
 The lessons of the past must not be forgotten in order to prevent the recurrence of popular grief in the present. We must pass on the memory of the terrible events to our children so that they can live in peace and harmony.
Read-aloud works of art, students were presented an excerpt of the Chapter “Scared” from the documentary the story of Elijah Mixon of “once upon a time, was..."This book is about an ordinary girl Tanya Savicheva, who survived the loss of all her loved ones, relatives and her immense suffering during the war, as well as her tragic blockade diary, the life of Leningrad during the blockade.
Reading passages intertwined lively discussion, the children with bated breath, with great attention listened to the librarian.
 For clarity about the years of the war, the blockade of Leningrad, students were presented a presentation and decorated book exhibition.
 The dead and missing during the war, students observed a minute of silence.
Friends, today we live with you in a peaceful, happy life and know about the war only by hearsay. Value your life and remember, we are indebted to those who sacrificed their only life for the sake of peace on earth! Congratulations to all on The great victory day!