Центральная детская библиотека

"Who coined Uncle stepu?"(the 105-anniversary of S. V. Mikhalkov)

The house has eight roll one
At the Outpost of Ilyich
Lived high citizen,
Nicknamed "beanpole»,
By the name of Stepanov
And on behalf of Stepan,
From regional giants
The most chief giant…
With these words on March 23, the children's library was opened by the literary holiday "Who invented uncle Stepa?»
The author of these lines is the well - known writer Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov, who created many good works for children. This year marks the anniversary date - 105th anniversary of the birth of the writer.
All works Mikhalkov example of imitation for girls and boys, and his favorite work - is “Uncle Stepa” (tetralogy, the book in 4 parts).
At this time, has steel - 3 students “b” class ASOSH number 1. Children not only got acquainted with life and creativity of the writer, but also learned that Mikhalkov is the author of the text of the Anthem of Russia, and also they took part in "Warm-up quiz", watched a colorful cartoon "Uncle Stepa – the policeman" and left nobody indifferent the book exhibition.
Guys, we can't forget that books are the most loyal friends; they are the most affordable, wisest counselors and the most patient of teachers. Read, enjoy!