Центральная детская библиотека

Following the magic kolobok

On February 16, the "Reading Room" was again filled with exclamations of our young readers, students of the 2nd "B" class of ASOSh No. 1. This time, we all "transferred" to the magical world of nature through the informative tales, stories and fascinating cartoons of the famous naturalists Vitaly Bianchi and Mikhail Prishvin. It should be noted that this year - on February 4, the jubilee date was celebrated - 145 years since the birth of the singer of Russian nature M. Prishvin and on February 11 - the birthday of the "forest storyteller" V.Bianchi
Children not only watched fascinating cartoons on the writers' works, but also got acquainted with their creativity, discussed their stories, conducted loud readings, chatted about the careful attitude to the outside world and even enjoyed "Lisichkin bread". We hope that the close acquaintance of the children with the heroes of the stories left only the positive emotions and the desire to read more new works from the young amateurs of creativity M.Prishvin and V.Bianki! See you soon, in our "Reading Room"!