Центральная детская библиотека

"Watch the movie, read the book» (The opening of the “Reading cinema”)

 In 2018 Arskaya district children's library received a Grant with the project - “Reading cinema”.
February 8 - the Grand opening of the cinema hall, which was timed To coincide with the year of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. And the first guests of our celebration were students 3 "A “and 3” B" class ASOSH №1.
 Cinema for children-a wide information channel and it is not only a kind of entertainment, but also can become a powerful cultural tool for the development of the worldview of children in the world of domestic and foreign literature.
Will it be interesting for children to watch movies in the library? Now each house has a computer, movies can be bought or viewed online... Everyone agrees with the view that this does not give the feeling of what provides a collective view and discussion of the content of the film and the book with peers.
Students with great interest watched cartoons "Jump" and "Filipok", staged by the works of Russian writer Ln. Tolstoy, got acquainted with the life and work of the writer, as well as actively participated in the discussion of the film and stories.
 Now, in our children's library, a weekly free screening of movies and cartoons on literary works is planned. Will wait for everyone book readers and fans of the movies. And for the posters of cinema you can follow on our page in VK and Instagram.
Let the movie bring joy together with the book!
Read! Look! Compare!