Центральная детская библиотека

«Detstvo opalennoyu voynoy» (k 75-letiyu so dnya proryva blokady Leningrada)

 "...No one can work miracles, nothing to change, do not fix it in the past, but we can and must warn and protect the future" (J. Mixon)
January 23, in the children's library for children rehabilitation center "Source of hope" was held an hour of remembrance on the 75th anniversary of breaking the siege of Leningrad.
At the event, the children have read the book I. Mixon "Once was". This book reflects the plight, the immense suffering of an ordinary girl Tanya Savicheva during the war, who lived in Leningrad. Her siege diary of tragic, defiant city still excites people and burn to the pain of the heart.