Центральная детская библиотека

"Through the pages of favorite fairy tales" (International day of disabled persons)

 International day of disabled persons in Russia and other countries is carried out with the aim of attracting public attention to the problems of people with disabilities. It should be emphasized that younger age is a period of particularly intense training, which is of great importance for the further development of the individual. In the framework of the decade of persons with disabilities dedicated to the International Day of persons with disabilities 12 Dec – Arsky district children's library held for children Rehabilitation center “Source of Hope” an exciting event “In the pages of favorite fairy tales.”
Everyone will agree with the opinion that working with children with disabilities is very difficult, but in spite of health problems, kids will be kids.
 Sun children of the Rehabilitation center were met by our creative team with great enthusiasm and sincere joy. Guys with great enthusiasm and actively participated in the prepared contest program with storyteller OLE-Lukoye and playful fairy-tale characters Pippi Longstocking and Dunno. Fun contests, games, dancing, tasty treats and gifts liking not only each child, but parents and caregivers.
Completed a competitive program on a friendly note - fairy-tale characters and the kids exchanged a farewell with his warm embrace and danced flashmob.
 From the heart wish these kids -HEALTH! Let their eyes never fading spark of hope!