Центральная детская библиотека

Solemn awarding ceremony for the winners of the regional competition of reading preferences "Passionate readers" and the most active readers of the children's library "Constellation of the best readers"

May 29 - the staff of the Arsky District Children's Library honored the winners of the district reading preferences contest "Passionate about reading" and the most active readers of the children's library "Constellation of the best Readers".

Congratulations to the winners of the regional reading preferences contest "Passionate about reading" in the nomination "Literary Expert":

1st place: Mikhaylichenko Anna - student of the 1st "A" class of MBOU "ASOSH No. 1 named after V.F. Yezhkov" (Head: Garapshina Zinfira Rafailovna);

2nd place: Fazylov Irkhan, student of the 1st "A" class of MBOU "Multidisciplinary Lyceum named after G. Kursavi" (Head: Zainullina Venera Tagirovna);

3rd place: Ivanova Milana, a student of the 1st "B" class of MBOU "ASOSH No. 1 named after V.F. Yezhkov" (Head: Garapshina Zinfira Rafailovna).

Congratulations to the winners of the regional reading preferences contest "Passionate about reading" in the nomination "Reading fairy tales - playing the theater":

1st place - Group "Koyashkai" MBDOU "Kindergarten of general educational type No. 7 "Childhood"