Центральная детская библиотека

"A good story not only for Alyonushka" (120 years) (Since the birth of D. N. Mamin– Sibiryak 165 years)"

"This is my favorite book - it wrote itself
love, and so it will survive everything else."
D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak

 November 16 children's library hosted the literary night -3 students "B" class ASOSH No. 1, dedicated to two significant dates. This year, we celebrate the anniversary of the writer
D. N. Mamin – Sibiryak (165 years since birth) and the publication of his books from the "Golden Fund of children's literature" - "Andersen's fairy tales" (120 years from the date of creation).
 During the event, children learned about the history of the life and work of children's writer, learned of his personal tragedy, and became better acquainted with the characters of the book "Andersen's fairy tales".
On this occasion, the children took part in fun and rewarding game-travel tales DN. Mamin-Sibiryak "Good stories not only for Alyonushka", where they demonstrated their knowledge of the reading of fairy tales.
 Congratulations to all 3 students "B" class, now that they are the true "Connoisseurs of fairy tales, "Andersen's fairy tales" by D. N. Mamin –Sibiryak", wish them not to stop, read lots of good and clever books!