Центральная детская библиотека

"What is etiquette?"

 On November 10, an hour of communication "What is etiquette?" Took place in Arka Children's Library. Students were invited to "6A" class ASOSH number 1 with a teacher Sabirova GI. Attention was given to an electronic presentation to familiarize with the rules of etiquette, the formation of skills of cultural behavior in everyday life.
 The presenter introduced the history of etiquette, the first books on etiquette: "Domostroy", and "Yunoste honest mirror", published in the 17th century. These books were addressed to youth and told about the rules of behavior in society. The children were given games: "What clothes and where to put on", "Table setting". Then the schoolchildren answered questions of the quiz "Table etiquette", "What foods are eaten". Discussed the situation and assessed the actions of the participants. During the event, students' ability to analyze, comprehend such concepts as "politeness", "tactfulness", "delicacy" is revealed. In conclusion, the guys after the meeting themselves gave themselves an assessment that they are the most educated class.