Центральная детская библиотека

"Reading Kingdom" (dedication of first graders to "Young Readers" Day 2)

February 28 – the second day of the quest game for the dedication of first-graders to “Young Readers” took place. And the guests of our “Reading Kingdom” were students of the 1st “A” class of ASOS No. 1. It's so good that there are fairy tales to go on a magical journey with your favorite fairy-tale characters, and at the same time, get to know the library better. A friendly team of kids, together with fairy-tale characters, found the Golden Key of Pinocchio, passing all the tests that they met on the way. Congratulations to our first graders on joining the large family of readers of the Arsky district Children's Library and we are waiting for you all to read interesting books! See you soon!