Центральная детская библиотека

"Pages of besieged Leningrad"

      January 27 marks the 80th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade. On this significant date, an hour of courage "Pages of besieged Leningrad" was held for schoolchildren in the District Children's Library. The event was held as part of the V All-Russian network campaign "Reading about the blockade". The librarian introduced the students to the history of besieged Leningrad, a hero city that stood up despite the most difficult trials: hunger, lack of heat and food. In addition, the children learned about the blockade bread, cards, the fate of an 11-year-old girl Tanya Savicheva and her diary, the "Road of Life" on the ice of Lake Ladoga, about the courage and heroism of the Leningraders who endured all the difficulties of the blockade. The event was accompanied by a presentation about the unconquered city. As part of the campaign, an excerpt from Rashat Nizami's story was read.